In-Office Sessions

One of the ways Quest Biofeedback Health Services administers biofeedback treatment is through in-office sessions, allowing a seasoned practitioner to converse one-on-one with the patient and establish more quickly the connection between the practitioner, the patient, and the Eductor device. A typical first session is a relaxing and learning experience, and almost always those skeptical early patients become regulars as their eyes are opened to the wonders of quantum biofeedback.

Session One

The session begins with the patient being comfortably seated for complete relaxation. Then, the practitioner begins a discussion, seeking to find the particular issues and desired results of the patient. While the patient is connected to the Eductor machine via a headband, wrist, and ankle straps, the practitioner enters in the patients basic health history into the machine. This allows the machine to sync up to the patient, sometimes offering educational information based on the patients needs.

The Test

The actual test takes about three minutes, and sends over 10,000 frequencies into the patients body and energy field to assess imbalances. Excess stress is known to cause disease and imbalance through sources like toxicity, pathogens, trauma, mental factors, and allergies, and the test taps into the subconscious to reveal such problems. In a matter of minutes, the painless, non-invasive technology of quantum biofeedback allows the practitioner to see the body's reactions to common stressors, and will begin to piece together a picture of the underlying issues. 


After the test, the practitioner receives the results, and uses them to choose a program from over 200 programs to realign the connection. The process is interactive; the patient is given both verbal and energetic feedback during the session, to unveil underlying imbalances. The patient learns about the type of stressors causing the current symptoms, and are given biofeedback, as well as lifestyle suggestions, to reduce them.

End Of Initial Session

The patient leaves the initial two hour session treated with biofeedback, but also empowered with knowledge to help keep their body, mind, and spirit in a vibrant state of health. During the 72 hour period following the session, there will be changes - both subtle and significant - as the patient's system releases old, limiting beliefs and integrates new, energetic patterns.


After the initial session, the patient is able to book follow-up sessions to continue the biofeedback care. Each session after the initial session is an hour and a half, and will continue to build on the successes of the original session, as well as begin to unearth new imbalances, further moving towards the goal of healing and balance.


Remote Sessions

Quest Biofeedback Health Services also offers remote sessions, for patients who cannot travel sessions at our office. For more information, please contact us.